I started to feel unwell this morning.
I felt my head spinned like roller coaster and it was so hard to wake up and did usual house routines.
It kept getting worse when it comes to noon and thanks to my stubbornness of refusing to take any type of medication.
Yes people. I started to build this kind of paranoid with medicine as well as doctor when I fall sick 2 years back.
Tonight when I was very helpless and I can"t even sit properly, I grab the blanket and pillow trying to sleep in living hall.
There are(still)lots of mosquitoes flying around
and the things that I want to tell u guys is when I overhead my mum and my dad"s conversation.
My dad just came back from isyak's prayer and my mum told him that I got fever, bad sore throat and even headache.
Then my mum went to kitchen looking for ridsect and trying to get rid of the mosquitoes from trying to come close to me while I was sleeping in the living room.
My dad on the other hand persuaded my mum to switch on the fan for me( afraid that I was burning hot under the blanket).
U know, I felt their loves towards me.
And I felt very fortunate
and Alhamdulillah...thank u Allah for such a wonderful parent like them.
I love them fillah:)
Cik Tikah Ex UQ
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2 years ago
semoga cpt sembuh ye tikah.. ibubapa mmg yg terbaik!