Sunday, October 31, 2010

Nerdy wanna be

This Business Policy revision is driving me nerdy.
More than 11 lecture notes to read,
with more than 8 readings accompany most of the lecture notes that makes me sick of journal.
Oh dear Miss Brain, please function properly and remember all that I read until the exaam this Saturday morning.
Back to study.

Cik Tikah UQ

Cerita Dalam Kelambu

hari ni nak kngsi pengalaman tentang sifat berani.
Aku akui,pengalaman belajar di sini banyak sangat membuka mataku tentang cara melihat dunia dengan lebih positif.
Jika ada segelas air yang diisi setengah air,
aku kini melihatnya setengah gelas penuh daripada setengah gelas kosong.
Aku kini lebih matang dan berani dalam mengorak langkah melalui liku-liku hidup.
Jika sebelum ini aku hanya seorang yang pesimis, aku kini seorang yang optimistik.
Aku pernah takut, takut untuk keluar daripada "comfort zone" yang telah lama aku bina daripada kecil.
Takut berenggang daripada keluarga.
Takut akan cabaran yang akan aku tempuh bila berseorangan.
Alhamdulillah, kehidupan sebagai anak rantau selama 3 tahun di bumi Brisbane banyak mengubahku.
Aku lebih berdikari. Berdikari dalam setiap perbuatanku dan lebih berani untuk bertanggungjawab untuk setiap perbuatanku. Mampu untuk mengatakan "NO" jika aku tidak bersetuju dengan apa yang berlaku. Mampu menyatakan apa yang aku rasa. Mampu juga untuk berani "travel" bersendirian.
Aku  mampu berdikari untuk pulang sendiri ke kampung dari Brisbane ke Perlis tanpa memerlukan teman untuk aku bergantung. Sebelum ini, semua kena berteman. Ke bilik air di waktu malam pun, aku meminta arwah nenek aku temankan pada suatu masa dulu.
Dulu lain. Sekarang lagilah lain.
Di sini, semuanya DIY(do it yourself). Aku belajar untuk memasang kipas sendiri sebaik sahaja tiba di Brisbane pada tahun 2007. Aku juga memasang sendiri basikal yang ku beli di sini.
Malah aku juga belajar untuk mengenal periuk belanga, pisau, nama sayur,nama ikan dan sebagainya semata-mata untuk memenuhkan perut. Tiada ibu di sini untuk menyediakan lauk pauk yang sedap setiap kali pulang daripada kelas.
Semuanya sendiri.
Malas = lapar.
Mahu tidak mahu kenalah masak. Sedap atau tidak, itu perkara kedua.
Alhamdulillah, sampai hari ni sihat tubuh badan hasil daripada makan masakan sendiri=)
Ada juga dugaan yang hebat masa berada di bumi kangaroo ini.
Dugaan kehilangan 2 orang tersayang semasa berada di sini.
Arwah Tok dan Wan(Semoga roh mereka ditempatkan di kalangan orang beriman..Aminn)..
Benar, tidak semuanya manis!
Ada juga pahit yang harus ku telan.
Tapi aku redha. InsyaAllah, aku hampir berjaya menerima hakikat yang aku telah kehilangan orang yang banyak memberikan impak dalam mencorakkan kehidupanku sampailah sekarang.
Semoga aku terus kuat.
Sering kali orang bertanya,
mak bapak xhantar duit ke tiap2 bulan?
Bagiku, aku sedaya upaya untuk tidak meminta daripada mereka.
Dan Alhamdulillah, setakat ini aku mampu meneruskan hidup di sini berbekalkan elaun bulanan yang diberikan oleh pihak penaja.
Biarlah ibu bapaku menyimpan untuk kemudahan hari tua mereka ataupun untuk kegunaan adik adik ku yang 2 orang lagi.
InsyaAllah, aku doakan supaya adikku yang bongsu juga mendapat "scholarship" tahun hadapan.
Semoga dia beroleh kejayaan yang cemerlang dalam SPM.Amin.
Jika dia dapat scholar, ringanlah bebanan tanggungan ibu dan bapaku.
Alhamdulillah, mereka tidak perlu membayar yuran pengajianku bermula aku berumur 18 sampailah sekarang kerana semuanya ditaja. Dan diharap adikku juga akan mengikut jejak langkahku.
Aku belajar untuk tidak menyusahkan ibu bapaku.
Tanggungjawabku di sini berat. Bukan setakat sebagai seorang pelajar.
Tapi sebagai seorang hamba Allah yang berjuang di medan ilmu dan juga masih belajar untuk memperbaiki dirinya sendiri. Sesungguhnya rasa bersyukur menjadi dan dilahirkan sebagai seorang Muslim apabila dibandingkan dengan orang-orang di sini.
Sebagai seorang anak yang perlu merealisasikan harapan ibu bapanya, membalas segala jasa mereka.
Sebagai seorang kakak yang perlu menunjukkan contoh yang baik untuk adik adiknya.
Sebagai seorang duta kecil Malaysia di negara Kangaroo ini.

kehidupan selama 3 tahun di sini banyak mengubah diriku.
InsyaAllah, semoga perubahan ini menjadi titik tolak kepada fasa hidup baru yang bakal ditempuhi bermula tahun hadapan=)

Cik Tikah UQ

Saturday, October 30, 2010


I don't get it.
As I keep on removing the spam comments in my chat box,it keeps on coming loads more.
I am sick of the fact that I need to login to cbox and remove the comments one by one.
Dear current and potential spammer of my cbox,
could u please advertise ur website or find someone else blog to spam.

Cik Tikah UQ

New Addition to Miss Lappy

Miss Lappy got its new frenzz
Named, Miss EP(Essential Passport)...WD brand
the one with 500GB.
The price is considerably ok, $78.
Now, I am filling Miss EP with pictures and lots of files.
Bye for now

Cik Tikah UQ

Thursday, October 28, 2010

There goes my money

Just spend another hundred of dollars
for waffle maker and a pair of new sunnies...
Oh, how come i become such a big spender lately?
Have to hold my shopping desire very tight.
Yeah, very very tight.
Anyone want to be my banker and keep the debit card away from me?

Cik Tikah UQ

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Senang nak 'deal' dengan orang yang xberkira.
Senangkan hidup dia dan hidup kita.
Terima kasih Kak Nina kerana faham situasi saya
dan xberkira.
Semoga Allah murahkan rezeki akak
dan permudahkan PHD akak.

Cik Tikah UQ

My OB individual assignment

All praise to Allah.
I just took back my OB assignment from resource centre
And it's just perfect.
Alhamdulillah again=)
Hoping to get HD for OB paper and the other three subjects.

Cik Tikah UQ

I want waffle maker

I am considering to buy waffle maker.

Cik Tikah UQ

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I am who I am

I just want to say something
I don't like it when someone takes advantage of others
for the silly reason
cause i am trying my best not to exploit people
though I have opportunity to do so

Cik Tikah UQ

Monday, October 25, 2010

Where is my pant?

I was about to dress up to go to schol today
and just realized that all my fav pants are in laundry room.
To be exact, inside the dirty clothes basket.
Now i have to wear my so not comfy pant to school.
And it's so not cool ok

Cik Tikah UQ

Futuris Co.

Today, my group Futuris Co presented our Urban Renewal Strategy for Taringa core area.
We were the fourth group to present.
The presentation accounted for 10% of final assessment and the report will be the remaining 40%
We have 2 guest judges(one from URBIS and one from Gold Coast City Council) to assess our presentation.
The presentation went well...Alhamdulillah=)
We have done our best=)
After the presentation, I went to normal loecture at 1pm.
It finished a bit early at 2.00++pm.
Me and Kak Siti then went for a walk near UQ Lakes then snap a picture of Jacaranda again.
We went to City and have some retail therapy
then headed back home.
So, here's the photo of my group for today's presentation.

From left: Me, Fatin, Cady,Zak,Iain,Andrew and Afif

The last ever group project for my undergrad degree.
Hoping for a great career kick start next year.Amin.

Cik Tikah UQ

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Jacaranda...With Love=)

Cik Tikah UQ

Belated Birthday Celebration

This is my belated birthday celebration picture.
Thanks for the surprise
Date: 15/10/2010
Venue: MADO Restaurant, South Bank

My birtday cake- BlackForest..Yummy...
Spoon Feed

These are the organiser=)

Cik Tikah UQ

Friday, October 22, 2010

Jacaranda Day

Today is photo hunting day.
We gonna go for a photo shoot.
After a day of stress yesterday,
I reckon this is the perfect time to dress well  like a princess, spray the aromatic frangrance, wear a pair of comfy shoes and not to forget....snap pictures.Weee..can't wait...
Will upload the photo with Jacaranda later=)

Cik Tikah

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

X faham bahasa

Dah orang cakap Ahad tu Ahad la
Nak jugak mencelah hari Sabtu
Memang xfaham bahasa betul minah ni.

Mode: tgh serabut dgn Alcoa ditambah pulak dengan benda lain..Tunggu masa nak meletup.Jadi sila jangan kacau saya sampai hujung minggu ini.
Terima kasih.

Cik Tikah UQ

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Kelas OB

Hari ni terpaksa berblogging dalam bahasa Melayu
sebabnya sekarang berada di komputer lab.
Sudahlah orang sebelah pandang pandang jeling jeling
Kalau tulis dalam bahasa Inggeris nanti diorang faham. Malu dan tak dapat fokus nak menulis entri ni pulak nanti.
Jadi kelas pukul 8 pagi tadi dah pergi
Sekarang menunggu kelas pukul 2 petang dan pukul 4 petang.
Sebenarnya dah lama tak pergi kelas pukul 4 petang ni
Tapi InsyaAllah hari ni akan pergi ke kelas itu setelah berminggu ponteng.
Kenapa saya ponteng?
Sebab saya penat. Boleh terima x alasan tu?
Dari kelas pukul 8 pagi, x kuasa nak tunggu smpai pukul 6 petang.
Penantian itu memenatkan ok.
Tapi ye lah, kalau dah xnak pergi tu banyak je la soksek soksek nye.
Tapi hade aku kesah? Janji kerja jalan.
Lepas ni kena dengar balik LECTOPIA.
Oh, kalo ada orang xtahu LECTOPIA  ni adalah rakaman yang dibuat untuk kelas setiap minggu.
Jadi sesiapa yang miss lecture, bolehlah on lectopia ni melalui akaun pelajar.
Ia seolah-olah anda berada di dalam kelas tersebut walaupun kelas itu sudah berlalu.
Boleh nampak lah kalo pensyarah tu mengajar apa minggu lah, dah nama pon recording
memang la boleh nampak sebijik sebijik apa diorang ajar.
Cuma antara rajin dan malas je nak tunggu dengar n tengok LECTOPIA tu.

Cik Tikah UQ

Monday, October 18, 2010


Alcoa is aluminum based company that start its operation since 120 years ago.
Being in aluminum industry, it has control over several bauxites mines throught the world.
And two of the mines owned by the company are in Australia.
Alcoa Australia operates bauxites mines, alumina refineries and aluminum smelters through Alcoa World Alumina and Chemcal, a joint venture between Alcoa and Alumina. 40% and 60% shares for each company.
As they have control over the resources, I need to think what are the strategic action that they should implement in order to enocunter with potential Long Term Issue that will arise within the company.
This is the things that making me headache.
I just can think of only 1 issue and 1 strategic recommendation.
Really need to come out with at least 3.
Dear Miss Brain, please work properly and be creative.
And to Dear potential marker for this assignment, please consider of giving me a HD for this assignment
cause I'm pulling all my efforts to get this assignment done with success
Plus, I am sick of getting lower mark in other assignments.
Hoping to get excellent mark for every individual assignments
as most of the group assignment marks are frustrated.(Don't wanna talk about it)

Cik Tikah UQ

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hari Geram Sedunia

Hari ni semua macam xkena
Duduk xkena
Berdiri xkena
Berjalan xkena
Rasa macam nak belasah orang pun ada
Hadoi...Macam mana boleh tiba-tiba mood swing neh
Padahal tengah minggu kritikal.....
Ya Allah, please ease my burden and guide me through this critical week with success.

Cik Tikah UQ

Friday, October 15, 2010

Gaduh besar

Hari ini sangat lah tidak best pada waktu tengah harinya.
Kami gaduh besar kerana bertelagah pendapat.
Sampai satu komputer lab dengar.
Tapi Alhamdulillah segalanya dapat diselesaikan.
Semoga ini menjadi titik tolak untuk mendapatkan markah yang baik untuk keseluruhan assignment.
Penah sudah satu hari.
Tapi petangnya sangat gembira.
Kak Pid, Kak Siti and Faz buat surprise birthday party for me.
Walaupun hari lahir saya dah lepas pada bulan 9 dulu.
Kami ke restoran Turkish di South Bank.
Makananannya sangat banyak.
Dihidangkan dalam pinggan panjang yang macam orang letak ikan siakap bakar kalau di restoran.
Alhamdulillah kekenyangan.
Tapi xsempat tengok penari gelek sebab kami datang awal sangat.
Kalo malam sikit mungkin ada penari gelek menari berdekatan meja kami.
Nak jugak tengok orang Turki ni bergelek.
Amaran: ni bukan kelab dangdut or kelab tarian lucah
tapi memang hiburan sampingan di restoran itu adalah penari gelek a.k.a belly dancer
lepas tu ke Brisbane City,
hajat di hati mahu beli portable hard drive yang ringan.
Alih2 tersangkut beli baju sampai ENAM helai ok...
Mungkin stress n happy punya pasal
Di sebalik kesulitan, terselit kegembiraan=)
Cik Tikah UQ

Thursday, October 14, 2010


She's young, sweet, talented and have a very good looking brain.
I wish for her best and bless future undertaking.
Best wishes to one of my best friend whom I knew since 5 years ago.
and Alhamdulillah our friendship remains close.
Happy birthday Eidah.
Hoping for ur great career kick start next year.
And hopefully our friendship remains close.
InsyaAllah, we'll be off together to Korea next year.
Just keep counting babe=)

Cik Tikah UQ

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Unproductive day

Today I felt very lazy to do work
Might be because I woke up late just now.

Cik Tikah UQ

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Conversation between father n daughter

Ok people,
just have a quick chat with my dad
and as expected, i was like talking to an interviewer.
Just the formal things
How's life, study, exam n etc
Sometimes i find that it's funny when i chat with my dad using ym.
if only i can paste our conversation here,
that would make everyone burst out laughing.
I think that's why most of us often doesnt share secret with our dad?
Anyone agree?

Cik Tikah UQ

Today's agenda

Woke up early in the morning at 6.30 am
and get ready for the interview.
Do a bit of extra research on the organisation as I was way too sleepy last night and distracted by Kak Siti who has spilt out an interesting issue for me to chat with her.
Then went to 8-9 am of tutorial class.
Alhamdulillah my group got 12/15 for the presentation.
I would say it's worth the effort and time that i put in for the work.
Then at 9 am sharp, I went to the interview place
and for my surprise none of the interviewers were there.
I was wondering whether I turned up early or I missread the time given in the email.
But later then I saw a bunch of them coming.
My heart was pounding hard and I tried to act like normal.
To calm myself, I decided to take a bite on the energy bar.
And it actually helps me a lot.
FOOD= ME...we have this bonding and chemistry since I was born.
To justify, just have a look at my physical appearance now.
Then u'll really understand.

Ok, the first session was briefing regarding the organisation
It almost reached 2 hours.
Everyone get together and one person incharge do the talking.
Well, for my surpirse the organisation is quite complex and takes time to understand.
And basically their main operation of course on financing, economic and accounting stuff.
I felt like it's an interesting exposure for me and I felt if I got the placement there,
it would be a good platform for me to kickstart my career.
But then, after the interview, I would say 50-50 chances og getting the job.
Cause they don't have specific placement for those person like me that have degree on Real Estate.
And once again, I don't find this as my weakness
as I feel that I am flexible
and I also have basic on other business related subjects like maangement, accouting, finance, n etc
So, let's just wait for the wake up call from them.
They said they'll give feedback 1-2 days after the interview.

Cik Tikah UQ

Monday, October 11, 2010

Role of Handphone/Handset or Whatever u Wanna call it

So people, when u ask me what's the function of phone to me?
I would say connect me with people.
Don't misunderstood that statement.
I mean just one side. For my benefit not other people benefits.
Meaning that the phone will provide me the access to people
Not providing people access to me.
And for your information, I am not 24/7 attach to the phone
and to be frank I am technology freak.
I don't bother having a sort of call traditional phone as long as I can use it to call and text someone.
I hope this will explain why I always do not pick up phone call or I am taking quite a long time to reply back to a SMS

Cik Tikah UQ

family matter

Did u all know that we have the best actress among my so called relatives?
Yeah, believe it people. A woman who try to shape everyone life according to hers.
And guess what? She has successfully turned one of her daughter to be like her.
Should pat her shoulder(congratulating her) for such the best achievement.
I'm sick of drama queen.
I can't stand with fake imposter.

Cik Tikah UQ

Hari INI dan ESOK

rasanya blog ni dah jadi seperti blog berkisarkan tentang hidup pelajar universiti yang selalu merungut.
Tapi apa pun, layan..........
Hari ni St Lucia hujan..Hujan dah 3 hari berturut-turut sampai ada sesetengah kawasan yang dinaiki air.
Alhamdulillah kawasan rumah saya agak tinggi dan masih mampu menapis air hujan yang turun mencurah dengan banyaknya.
Walaupun agak lebat, tetapi saya masih mampu lagi menapak ke sekolah.
Hujan bukan alasan untuk saya tidak hadir ke sekolah.
Hanya saya dan Zak sahaja anggota kumpulan F yang hadir hari ini.
Yang lain2 "tenggelam" di rumah. Mungkin?Hahahaha

Esok adalah hari yang agak sibuk.
Saya ada perjumpaan dengan Peter untuk membincangkan tentang projek "Honours" jika saya mahu menyambungnya tahun hadapan.
Selepas itu saya ada perjumpaan dengan Dr Nani, untuk mendapatkan respon tentang kerja-kerja saya siapkan untuk subjeknya.
Pada sebelah malamnya, saya mempunyai pembentangan berkumpulan. Saya masih tidak tahu jika saya adalah salah seorang pembentangnya tapi apapun saya sentiasa bersedia untuk bercakap.

Cukuplah untuk hari ini.

Cik Tikah UQ

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pirate of the Gold Coast

I miss this pink Captain JAH...:P
Hope you are doing well in Malaysia.
Keep on counting the days towards ur wedding ceremony.
Catch u this late December

Cik Tikah UQ

Friday, October 8, 2010

Just walk straight and never turn back

Went to the Honours Infromation Session
and suffered from very unstable emotion after that.
UQ only offer limited place for honours, just 30 places from more than 300 of students.
And maybe just 5 places for my course.
Pretty tough and competitive huh?
I still undecided to do or not to do.
Need to talk to Peter again next week. He promised to show me his previous year student's thesis.
Whatever it is,
I just apply and let see how it goes.
They will start offering the placement by 2 December after the released of final result.
But still, it all depends as my heart more into jobhood instead of continuing my honours year.

Cik Tikah UQ

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Unstable emotion

I have this kind of feeling
where i feel sad but i don't know why?
I feel terrible
Oh Allah
Please help me go through all this.

Cik Tikah UQ

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Friends like roses....

Thank u Allah
for granting me such a good friends.
Best spring break ever=)

Cik Tikah UQ

Monday, October 4, 2010


If I ask u,
what make u happy?

For me,
the thing that make me happy the most is when seeing my loved ones happy.
I love to see my family happy=)
my friend happy=)
And I am very fortunate for being showering with lots of love and happiness from everyone.
Thank you Allah=)

Cik Tikah UQ

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Hari ni, pkul 9.30 pagi dah menapak di library.
Bangun2, Anis n Syifa dah keluar pergi gOLD cOAST.
kESIAN diorang terpaksa berdikari
tapi nak buat mcm mana, tugas kepada negara perlu diutamakan(poyo je)
jadi lepas borink2 n xdapat concentrate buat assignment,
curi masa blogging kejap.
Tiba2 teringat pulut udang bakaq.
Ada la mamat omputih sebelah ni bau dekat meja di sebijik pulut udang.
Pelik, aku g usha xde la pulak dia bawak bekal pulut udang.
Aku asyik la ulang alik belakang dia 2-3 kali
sebab xdapat pulut udang, dapat bau pon jadi la...
Ok, esok ada online test and assignment due.
Mahu bekerja lagi

Cik Tikah UQ

Friday, October 1, 2010


This is my new baby
named SyiNis...
A baby given by Anis n Syifa
Got her from Seaworld=)
Her length is 40 inch
And she's a delfin gris

Cik Tikah UQ