What is ANZAC day and how does it takes place among the public holiday here?
ANZAC day was first celebrated on 25 April 1967 for the anniversary of landing of Australian and New Zealand troops at Gallipoli the previous year.To be precised, it is Australia and New Zealand's National Day and is celebrated every 25 April every year to honour the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought at Galipoli in Turkey during WW1. However, the current year ANZAC day celebration is just concentrating on remembering those who served or died during military operations for their country.
This is why translink is giving the war veteran free ride on ANZAC day. I wonder why not giving them free ride everyday instead?
To my suprised, the troops also involved in part of our country history.During the era of Communism in Malaya, Australia troops assisted British in the campaign against Communist insurgents attempting to destabilise the British colony of Malaya post World War 2
Source: www.anzacday.org.au
Oh yeah, I just finished with the trigonometry question and need to read stat val case study.
Till then....
Cik Tikah
x pegi pun x rugi.. baek dok umah bc buku.. hehe..